Physical Theater Worksshop

The workshop focuses on how to solve theatrical situations always starting from the body.

It is a very intense physical proposition. It safely bring students further from their theatrical comfort zone. Helping them to experience new ways to understand themself as performers.


Main principles

  • Neutral presence and breathing consciousness
  • Physical awareness and energy levels
  • Calm and chaos
  • Action and reaction – begin and end of actions
  • Mime and embodiment – Acting and overacting
  • Repetitions and playfulness
  • Theatrical use of space
  • Construction of a theatrical situation
  • Emotion of audience and emotion on stage
  • How to laugh : difference between gag, tensions, surprises
  • Travel from movement to theater and coming back
  • Words like movement – movement like words


The workshop is created in order to offer to the students a frame where feel free to express as performer, and where focus on acknowledge each one’s own stage presence, enriching the confidence of personal solutions towards theatrical challenge.


This workshop could ends up with the creation of a performance.
The most significant has been:

– Tout la Haut: presented for Flic circus school at contemporary circus Festival Mirabilia 2018
– Carpe Diem: SEAD Salzburg experimental academy of dance
– I_0V3: Flic circus school of Turin


This workshop has been leaded at :

SEAD Salzburg experimental academy of dance , Danscentrumjette Bruxelles, Athens Vidéo Danse Festival,Kumana dance studio Athens, , Tripspace London , Opus Ballet Florence, Circus school of Lomme, Le Lido Circus School of Toulouse, Flic Circus school of Turin,