This choreography made by Piergiorgio Milano and Rodrigo pardo as part of the site-specific piece “ROOF a live movie/Napoli” directed by Rodrigo Pardo.
Produced by Napoli Teatro Festival Italia 2009 and Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli
Direction and editing : Rodrigo Pardo Choreography : Rodrigo Pardo & Piergiorgio Milano Dancer : Piergiorgio Milano Music : Simon Thierree Costume : Corso di Fashion Design dell’ Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli Camera direction : Rodrigo Pardo and Roberto Russo Cameramen : Enzo Pascolo, Fabio Bovenzi and Rodrigo Pardo Roof set up : Teatro Festival Italia crew and Students of the Aaccademia di Belle Arti di Napoli
directed by Marciano Rizzo
Thanks to :
Napoli Teatro Festival Italia, Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, Giuliana Ciancio.
Alexandros Vrettos, Stefano Limone, Diego Iacuz, Elle Knops
It has been part of the Official selection :
VIIII Festival Int. de Video Danza de Buenos Aires (AR)
ReelDance International Dance on Screen Festival 2010 (AU)
Athens video dance project 2011 (GR)
The choreography has been taught and repeated as a graduation projet for The Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance by :