Through the collective experience of wonder, the choreography is a reflection on the fragility of coastal and marine ecosystems and our relationship with them.
The protagonist is the sea: as material and as context. The beach, as an offended and too often vulgarised environment, becomes the theatre: the stage the sea, the shoreline. It is the sea that is still sacred despite the Anthropocene, the womb towards which the performers are drawn towards, putting into dance their very human nostalgia for a lost harmony. The music rediscovers the sound of the sea on the strings of a viola. The performance combines contemporary dance, circus acrobatics, aerial and vertical dance, giving space to solos and choral moments.
Sand, water, darkness, breath.
A structure – floating sculpture rises 6 metres above the surface with its white sails.
As on a tiny boat with no course to follow, the dancers are suspended above the open sea.
They are dancing on a wave that continually returns to itself, “uniting two unreachable worlds” – the sea and the human being – “that are
really only in the moment in which they are lost”. Finding the possibility of a new harmony.